Pink in the Rink Logo with a hockey stick and a puck that says, "Puck Cancer".

Gunnison Tough Pink in the Rink

February 2026 – Date TBA


Every dollar we raise from this tournament goes to the Friends of Tough Program which is designated for financial assistance to individuals to assist with medical expenses, living expenses, travel expenses, house cleaning, lodging, etc.  $240,000 has been granted since 2015 through the Friends of Tough program to help individuals in the Gunnison Valley who were impacted financially due to a cancer diagnosis (lost wages, travel expenses for treatment, etc).  It is a tremendous relief of stress for the people we are helping so they can focus on kicking cancer’s butt!

2025 Pink in the Rink Championship Game

What a great hockey tournament! Catch every minute in this championship replay. Thanks to sponsors, players, fans, and volunteers!

Pink in the Rink Video

Join the Fun and Support Our Community!

Photo Gallery

Photos by Mackenzie Bode & Heidi Sherratt
Click here to see more pictures! There are LOTS!

Everyone Welcome!

There are lots of ways to participate!  Enter as a player, cheer for your favorite team, play Chuck-a-Puck, or make a donation. Players enter the tournament as an individual and we put together well-balanced teams of 10 or 12 ladies (based on self-ability rankings). Play with friends you know and meet some new ones!


Questions? Please get in touch with Shannon at or call 303-250-8302


Games on Friday, Saturday, & Sunday.
A minimum of four games is guaranteed
with a championship game and prizes.

Welcome basket with lots of goodies and locker room drinks!

Jerseys – Each team will have their own color jersey which we are going to re-use for 3 years. We will have them for you to wear for the weekend, but entry does not include keeping it.

If you love the new game jerseys and want to keep one, they will be available for purchase for $40.00 at the tournament.


Thank you to our MVP Sponsors!

BlueBird Real Estate Business Card. Maggie Dethloff is reliable, relatable, and  gets results.
Gunnison Valley Health
SAW Contracting

Tournament Registration


Cost: $95 Per Person
Goalies Play for Free!

A hockey puck flies across the ice saying "Puck Cancer"!
2023 Pink Jerseys

How to Enter

  • PLAYERS: Entries are closed. Sorry, entries for the 2026 Tournament are not open yet.  Email Shannon at, or call 303-250-8302 if you would like to be put on the waitlist.
  • For help with ability levels, see the guidelines below the entry form.
  • Cost per person is $95.00. Goalies Play for Free.
  • GOALIES ONLYGoalie Entry Form (sorry, goalie spots are not open yet). Email Shannon at, or call 303-250-8302 if you would like to be put on the waitlist.
  • Jerseys – Each team will have their own color jersey which we are going to re-use for 3 years. We will have them for you to wear for the weekend, but entry does not include keeping it. If you love the new game jerseys and want to keep one, they will be available for purchase for $40.00 at the tournament.

Rank Your Ability…

Level 1
Players/Goalies at this level are just learning and are becoming comfortable on their skates but still have a hard time with skating both forward and backwards.  They’ve acquired some basic skills to get up and down the ice but still struggle with carrying the puck, making passes and taking shots.  Skating – Stick handling – Passing – Shooting skills are all in the 1 to 2 out of 10 range.

Level 2
Players/Goalies at this level are comfortable skating forward and can now skate backwards fairly comfortably.  They are starting to understand positioning, tam concepts, can skate backwards, but are still working on stick handling, passing, crossovers etc. Skating – Stick handling – Passing – Shooting skills are all in the 3 to 4 out of 10 range.

Level 3
Players/Goalies at this level are comfortable in a team environment and in a fast paced game and are able to keep up with the play. They are in average physical shape.  Skating – Stick handling – Passing – Shooting skills are in the 5 to 6 out of 10 range.

Level 4
Players/Goalies at this level play at a high level in all areas of the game.  They understand the rules, team concepts, are skilled at stick handling, passing, puck control, etc.  They are in good physical shape.  Skating – Stick handling – Passing – Shooting skills are in the 6 to 7 out of 10 range.

Level 5
Players/Goalies at this level play at a high level in all areas of the game.  They understand the rules, team concepts, are skilled at stick handling, passing, puck control, etc.  They are in above average physical shape. Skating – Stick handling – Passing – Shooting skills are in the 8 out of 10 range.

Level 6
Players/Goalies at this level should feel comfortable playing with Ex-Professionals, Ex-Division 1 / CHL players.  Skating – Stick handling – Passing – Shooting skills are in the 9 to 10 out of 10 range.

Questions? or call 303-250-8302



Leslie Solanik

A hockey puck flies across the ice saying "Puck Cancer"!

The Pink in the Rink Tournament is a highlight of my hockey season. The tournament is super fun and full of amazing women of all ages and skillsets. All are playing to Puck Cancer but also to escape, play, sweat, laugh and feel soooo much love. So grateful for the continuation of this tradition! Thanks to GT for ALL you DO!!! 

-Leslie Solanik

Marina Meneakis

What Pink in the Rink Means to Me
Hello All! My name is Marina and I am a fifth Generation Native from Northern NM who had
the opportunity to attend Western State College (Western State Colorado University) from 2011 to 2014. During my three years in Gunnison, I was blessed to meet a lot of wonderful people in the community, especially the hockey community. They extended their greetings with open arms and never looked back, making me feel like part of the family. It wasn’t long before I was not only playing but coaching as well. My relationship grew on and off the ice. When my undergraduate was all finished, I returned home to complete my masters program but always returned any chance I had to play with my extended family. What many people don’t know is shortly after I was born, my grandma was diagnosed with Breast Cancer and passed when I was about a year old. I never really got to know her. Since then, I have had many friends at home and in the Gunnison area who were also diagnosed with Breast Cancer and I wanted to do whatever I could to help. Pink in the Rink not only brings families together to fight for the same cause but it gives you a way to contribute to that cause. Helping not only close friends and family but others who need it the most. Having support and assistance makes a big difference and Pink in the Rink is that difference. I play in the tournament because I want to be able to help and contribute in supporting cancer patients in any way I can even if I don’t know them personally. I also play because I get the opportunity to be with some amazing people that I consider family and friends, some who have already fought and won against cancer. Knowing that I can help my extended family even if I cannot be physically present is a big difference. I would never miss this tournament and will continue to play in it because it allows the fighters, locals who matter to us, to continue their fight and focus on what matters most. Puck Cancer!

– Marina Meneakis

Leslie Nichols

Pink in the Rink does so much for our awesome valley. Getting to play a weekend of hockey with strong, fun women from all corners of our community gives us a chance to connect in ways we don’t otherwise and then we can take those connections and that energy back to our work lives and our families. Supporting our locals fighting breast cancer is another huge benefit of the event – having heavy medical issues in the middle of glorious nowhere is challenging logistically and financially and Pink in the Rink helps share that burden beautifully. When women in a community are connected and strong, everyone benefits. YES Pink in the Rink! 

-Leslie Nichols

Lisa Lynch

For me, Pink in the Rink is the most special event that Gunnison Tough does. Having survived breast cancer, and being a hockey player and coach in the Gunnison Valley, I have felt the love and support of our community. And it’s even more meaningful playing a game I love, with amazing teammates, all to raise money for people that are struggling through an awful time in their life and need support.

-Lisa Lynch

Amy Bright

I am Amy Bright; a local breast-cancer survivor, grateful recipient of GT support, and goalie for Pink in the Rink hockey tournament put on by Gunnison Tough. The Pink in the Rink tournament is my all-time favorite ice hockey tournament and I have played in this tournament from its inception, except in 2017. This tournament brings together women in our valley who love to play hockey and have big hearts for helping GT provide support for friends and neighbors who have been diagnosed with breast cancer. Many of us have played together for years. My hockey friends are beloved to me and are part of my extended family. The overall atmosphere of this tournament is unlike any other, with spirited and fierce contests on the ice dissolving into hug fests and beautiful camaraderie as soon as the game ends, and occasionally on the ice, as well! It is truly uplifting to feel the outpouring of love and good will toward each other (no matter which team you’re on) and to know that the ultimate goal of supporting our local girlfriends in need is firmly in mind! One of the things I really Love about the Pink in the Rink is the range of age of the players, from teenagers to gals in their sixties. Last year we had several pair of Moms playing with their daughters, which was beautiful! Everything about this tournament is beautiful. And the best thing is, the funds raised go directly to help our local girlfriends!

My relationship with GT became personal in 2017 when I was diagnosed with breast cancer just before the Pink in the Rink tournament. That was an emotional tournament for me. I was signed up and excited to play. The phone call with my positive diagnosis changed things. Heidi was incredibly supportive when I called to tell her, and she provided me with lots of GT gear…. which I wore and wore and wore. Due to my diagnosis I had to watch, cheering from outside of the glass while my fellow players ripped up the ice! Between every game I received a million hugs, and everyone had encouraging messages of support. I watched every game, with my handmade sign of glitter breasts and Rah-Rah messages, bright pink coat, and hat with a long pink tassel. PINK! I was stopped for speeding when I was on my way to the championship game, not wanting to be late and having a heavy foot from my excitement! I explained my situation to the Officer and he let me go with a warning! After the championship game, in the locker room with many of my beloved friends, I was given a GT jersey that had been signed by nearly everyone at the tournament. Words of support. Words of Love. Wishes for Luck. Reminders that I was being held by my hockey community, all rooting for my health and recovery. I wore my jersey to my breast cancer surgery. I have a picture of me with it on, with my surgeon, just minutes before I went to surgery. I still have my jersey. It is one of my sacred possessions. My surgery and recovery went very well. I think it was because of my beautiful jersey and all that Love.

After my surgery I became part of a local Breast Cancer support group, arranged by GT. Sharing my breast cancer experiences with other Pink Sisters made a big difference in my progress going forward. I also took advantage of the Wellness offerings through GT’s Make it a Great Day program. Massage, Nutrition, and Mindful Eating, and Orthobionomy are the offerings in which I partook. Each gave me things to practice and work on, which helped me heal and look ahead to how I wanted to make my life healthier and better. I was able to share my wellness experiences with my breast cancer support group, and encourage them to try it, too. I also borrowed Bucky several times, to travel over to Denver for my follow up appointments. Bucky, Tuffy and Becky are vehicles provided by GT for Pink Sisters to use for appointments or other breast-cancer related needs. They each are wrapped with pink and purple signs and messages letting people know that we are being taken care of by GT. I always feel like a hero when I’m driving Bucky!

I have benefitted greatly from the support offered by GT. Playing in Pink in the Rink gives me comfort knowing that I am helping the girlfriends who come behind me, who will be diagnosed in the future, and those Pink Sisters who are currently living with breast cancer. The care and support provided by GT encompasses all of us, is offered for whatever is needed, and doesn’t stop when we have completed our surgery. I am grateful for GT. Thank you, Gunnison Tough, for this tournament.

-Amy Bright

Matt Frey

Last year I was invited to fill in as a goalie for Pink in the Rink. I’m always up for more hockey so I accepted with no expectations of anything more than playing some fun hockey with some nice ladies. What I got was a glimpse into the lives of some wonderful women who have been profoundly affected by cancer. I saw how much the camaraderie with fellow lady hockey players meant to them and how much the support of the hockey community lifted everyone involved.

I was also able to play hockey with my wife and daughter. We were proud to play in a tournament that supports such a great cause. Cancer has affected our family much as it has others. I lost my Grandmother to breast and brain cancer and I couldn’t have been more proud to play in her memory. I know she would have been so very proud to see her legacy ladies playing their hearts out to help beat cancer! Be Well!

-Matt Frey

Lisa Danos

Besides the fun of playing my favorite game with some of my favorite people, I play in the Pink in the Rink because I believe in all that it stands for. I have two close friends who have been recipients of the funds this incredible event raises. I play with and for them every year. I laugh with them, relive our moments of greatness with them in the locker room, and feel gratitude every moment that we are able to share this experience. I cherish this time with them on the ice. Without the support of Friends of Pink, their recovery may have been compromised. I know the expenses covered by Friends of Pink alleviated their stress and worry, helping them conquer cancer for good. Pink in the Rink made this happen. I play in this tournament for all the women in this community who will need Friends of Pink. My friends, unfortunately, are only two of the many who are impacted by breast cancer, and I play to make sure we take care of all of our sisters who will have to engage in this fight. Pink in the Rink needs to continue for the comradery and fun bringing women who share a common purpose together creates. Puck Cancer!!!!! 

-Lisa Danos

Become a Sponsor!

For Sponsorship Opportunities, email Shannon at or call 303-250-8302

TETWP Pink Ribbon“This donation is for the ones we’ve lost and the ones we need to take care of.
When things come with love there’s no price or acknowledgement needed.
Glad I could be a part of helping others. That’s my purpose in life”

-Anonymous Title Sponsor


  • We will be reusing game jerseys for the next three years to be more sustainable. See the awesome samples below. Five spots are available for jersey placement with a 3-year commitment of $3K to be paid now or $1K/yr over 3 years.
  • Logo on individual sponsor Banner displayed at the rink all weekend
  • Logo and link on GT website
  • 4 GT Hats and Sweatshirts
  • Social Media Recognition
  • Thank you in local newspapers
  • Thank you announcement at the event

2025 – 2028 Jersey Samples

2025-28 Jersey Samples


  • Small Logo on the Gunnison Tough game jerseys with a 3-year commitment of $2250 to be paid now or $750/yr over 3 years
  • Logo on individual sponsor Banner displayed at the rink all weekend
  • Logo and link on GT website
  • 2 GT Hats and Sweatshirts
  • Social Media Recognition
  • Thank you in local newspapers
  • Thank you announcement at the event
2022 Pink in the Rink (50)
2022 Pink in the Rink (50)


  • Logo on shared sponsor Banner displayed at the rink all weekend
  • Logo and link on GT website
  • 2 GT Hats & Sweatshirts
  • Social Media Recognition
  • Thank you in local newspapers
  • Thank you announcement at the event


  • Listing on shared sponsor Banner displayed at the rink all weekend
  • Listing on GT website
  • 1 GT Hat and Sweatshirt
  • Thank you in local newspapers
  • Thank you announcement at the event
2022 Pink in the Rink (50)
2022 Pink in the Rink (50)


  • Listing on shared sponsor Banner displayed at the rink all weekend
  • Listing on GT website