Gunnison Tough Programs
Amazing Programs for Patients!
Gunnison Tough Programs offer assistance for patients and their families in the Gunnison Valley. Please read about them below and contact us for more information about any of our programs.
Friends of Tough
Friends of Tough patient assistance fund helps individuals in the Gunnison Valley impacted financially due to a cancer diagnosis.
Transportation Program
Vehicles to safely transport Gunnison breast cancer patients to medical centers outside the area.
Lucy's House
Lucy’s House provides a place to stay close to treatment centers, so instead of driving, more time can be spent healing.
Make It A Great Day
Helps Gunnison Valley residents diagnosed with cancer with coupons for integrative therapy services.
Pink Sisters Therapy Group
A group for anyone going through, having gone through or diagnosed with breast cancer.
Sparky's Fund
A scholarship fund for Gunnison County youth with a parent that has been diagnosed with cancer.
For More Information:
Please visit “How to Get Assistance” for an application and more information.
Mammogram, Ultrasound, MRI and Biopsy Coverage for Uninsured or Underinsured

Friends of Tough
Friends of Tough (formerly Friends of Pink) is our patient assistance fund. Since 2015, Friends of Tough has given $86,206.27 to help individuals in the Gunnison Valley who were impacted financially due to a cancer diagnosis (lost wages, travel expenses for treatment, etc.). Please apply by filling out the Gunnison Tough Client Application and learning how to get assistance.
2015 $3,628.46 – 2 women. 2016 $24,734.73 – 8 women. 2017 $15,919.06 – 6 women. 2018 $12,649.54 – 6 women. 2019 $18,572.76 – 6 women. 2020 $11,979 – 8 women. 2021 $18,908.40 – 6 women. 2022 $32,088.65 – 9 women. 2023 $20,179.74 – 5 women. 2024 to date: $19,048 – 7 women

Transportation Program
“Tuffy” was the first Gunnison Tough patient transportation vehicle. The 2016 Ram 1500 truck is designated to safely transport Gunnison cancer patients requiring advanced treatment to medical centers outside the area.
In October 2016 when Tuffy was purchased, the truck was used to transport 11 breast cancer patients in the Gunnison Valley to treatment provided in a number of towns/cities in Colorado.
In the first three months after Bucky, the second Gunnison Tough transportation vehicle was generously donated, GT’s transportation services were opened up to ALL cancer patients from Gunnison and Hinsdale Counties.
A BIG thank you to Carol Ann May and Jim Saindon for donating Bucky the 2018 Dodge Durango and to Russ Harrison for donating Betty Ann the 2020 Ford Explorer!
To date, our vehicles have traveled thousands of miles since 2016. Many of these were put on in the last two years since the transportation program was opened to individuals with all forms of cancer. 90% of the miles are from patients’ use of the truck.
2024 to date: 39,175 miles traveled
4 individuals with breast cancer, 11 with other forms of cancer.
2023: 43,530 miles traveled, 19 individuals
2022: 38,840 miles traveled, 14 individuals
2021: 34,470 miles traveled, 12 individuals
2020: 27,885 miles traveled, 13 individuals
Thank you to Sky High Offroad and CB Towing and Recovery for keeping Bucky, Tuffy, and Betty Ann in tip-top shape from their tires to oil changes and our gratitude to the Crested Butte and Gunnison Rotary Clubs for their grants to pay for fuel. This community effort makes a huge difference. Be sure to tell these folks thank you next time you see them! Read more about how Gunnison Tough is helping patients reach their appointments safely and comfortably.
Just knowing that I could look forward to a very comfortable ride in Toughy helped me tremendously. Aside from the very “coosh” and smooth ride, the truck symbolized my journey with breast cancer. – Anonymous Breast Cancer Patient Read more…
Throughout my recent bout with breast cancer, I was so overwhelmed (in a good way!) by the never-ending concern and thoughtfulness of others. It truly warmed my heart. At the time, I wasn’t often able to voice how touched I was by these gestures. Tuffy became a symbol of the thoughtfulness and kindness that I experienced this past year. Each time that I was able to borrow Tuffy to travel to my numerous medical appointments and treatments, I felt “wrapped” in love and support from others, strangers and friends alike. Thank you to all who make the availability of Tuffy (and Bucky) possible and to the wonderful TETWP organization! – Anonymous Breast Cancer Survivor
Cancer took us by surprise, requiring us to drop everything and go to Denver in the night, just as a South Park blizzard started blowing. It was just the first of several urgent trips, and just the first of a series of blizzards. Our car was damaged so badly it couldn’t be fixed. Unexpected expenses hit us from every side. And right when we needed help the most, TETWP was there, and has stayed there at our side. Saying ‘thanks’ is hardly enough. -Ellen Pederson and Luke Danielson

Lucy’s House
Norman and I love to spend our summers in CB, and for many years now have been honored to be proud supporters of Gunnison Tough. Last year we were unable to spend our summer in CB as planned. On June 6th, Norman was diagnosed w/stage 4 throat cancer. Our life immediately changed, as it does for anyone who receives the news of cancer. For the next 5 months we were consumed with a very serious 7 hour surgery and weeks recovering from that, only to begin 6 weeks of chemo and radiation everyday, M-F.
The numerous doctors appt, tests, chem, rad…all consumed our days. In addition, the stress and time involved getting to them all makes for very long days. We are fortunate to live in Dallas with all of the care we needed close by. It could take an hour in bad traffic to get to Baylor cancer center downtown, but it was doable, even every day. As we went through the treatments, seeing a lot of the same people daily, we’d find a certain strength as we all fought this same battle together. Talking with others and hearing their journeys, we found that others often have additional challenges.
One we heard many times over was the distance and time they were driving each day. Our worst case hour long drive was minimal compared to 3-4 hours each way that others were driving. Adding that additional stress to an almost unbearable situation was hard for us to imagine.
Norman and I discussed how great the need is to help people stay closer to their treatment centers. If there was a way to help people do that, we wanted to be involved. We thought of the long drives to Junction, COS, or Denver that those here in the Valley must make, and because of all that TETWP does for those it serves, our first thought was to approach Heidi to see if there may be a fit. We were thrilled at how receptive and excited she was about the idea of providing another layer of support.
Soon we were asked to work on a name and logo. Our first immediate thought was my Mom. After 12 years of on and off treatments, we lost her to ovarian cancer. She was a wonderful, loving woman who was kind, caring, strong yet soft. She was Mother, Mom, gram, friend, sister, daughter, supporter, defender, care giver, protector……so special to many people, and everything to me, and Norman was her 4th son whom she loved with all her heart. We wanted to honor her in a way that portrayed her….always providing comfort and support for others. So in memory of my mom, Lucille “Lucy” McElvain….we’re proud and happy to introduce and sponsor “Lucy’s House”.
Through Gunnison Tough, Lucy’s House will provide a place to stay close to treatment centers, so that instead of driving, more time can be spent healing. We hope you will share our enthusiasm and join us in supporting “Lucy’s House”.
Thank you!
Dorothy & Norman Eastwood
Lucy’s House serves an incredible need in our community and is making such a HUGE difference in the lives of so many. It not only helps those directly affected by cancer but allows their family members to be close to them as they face this terrible disease. Take a look at these amazing numbers:
2020: 154 Nights of lodging – 16 individuals
2021: 145 Nights of Lodging- 16 individuals
2022: 164 Nights of Lodging – 16 individuals
2023: 375 Nights of Lodging – 22 individuals
2024 to date: 287 nights of lodging covered for 25 individuals
Lucy’s House Is Making a Difference!
I cannot thank TETWP for all their support. When first diagnosed with breast cancer there are so many things you don’t even know you need. But TETWP supporters know because they’ve helped many people through this. There are practical helps like hotels near the hospital and rides and there’s emotional assistance like support group meetings and texts wishing good luck with another surgery.
It’s hard to even imagine going through this without all the kind wonderful big and small acts that make such a huge difference during such a scary painful time.

Make It A Great Day
Gunnison Tough is pleased to announce a program called “Make It a Great Day!” which helps Gunnison Valley residents diagnosed with cancer and their caregivers living in the same household by providing coupons to utilize the services of Integrative Therapies.
When our good friend and GT volunteer extraordinaire, Edie Gibson, was diagnosed with breast cancer and endured a double mastectomy, we wanted to honor her by creating this program!
Edie has always said, “make it a great day” on her voice messages and emails. We believe in sending this positive message to the community, so Gunnison Tough started the “Make It a Great Day program.
Integrative Therapies is a program in conjunction with various practitioners across the Gunnison Valley including massage therapists, acupuncturists, nutritionists, counselors, pastors, intuitives, coaches, trainers, artists, dancers, green builders, adventure guides, etc who have come together with the intention of expanding the awareness of the array of wellbeing support here in the Gunnison Valley.
The “Make It a Great Day” program covers up to 4 sessions for clients and their caregivers with massage, acupuncture, ortho-bionomy, or Reiki practitioners. These therapies have been proven to help cancer patients stay strong mentally and physically while they are going through their surgeries and treatments. Research findings show that integrative therapies can help boost the immune system, reduce pain, and help patients stay strong.
A new addition to the “Make it a Great Day” program is our housecleaning support. Gunnison Tough is excited to announce a new service available to cancer patients in Gunnison and Hinsdale Counties. GT will provide two 4-hour home cleaning sessions for cancer patients as they undergo treatment.
The goal of the Make it a Great Day program is to take excellent care of our Gunnison Valley locals in every way we can when they are diagnosed with cancer.
For more information, please contact Lana Athey at 970-306-1688.

Pink Sisters Therapy Group
Gunnison Tough Pink Sisters Breast Cancer Therapy Groups are held monthly. Please contact our Program Coordinator, Lana Athey, for details and the location at 970-306-1688. Details about meetings will be posted on our Facebook Events Page.
Read more about the Gunnison Tough Breast Cancer Therapy Group here.
Living Journeys Cancer Support Group Meetings

Sparky’s Fund
Gunnison Tough has created a scholarship fund for Gunnison County youth with a parent that has been diagnosed with cancer.
The scholarship is specifically designed to help ease some stress on families dealing with a cancer diagnosis and everything that comes along with the diagnosis by helping to cover the cost of extracurricular activities, summer programming, college tuition, or other opportunities for youth that the family would otherwise not be able to access while going through treatment.
Sparky’s Scholarship Fund was established in honor of Adriana Villalobos (Sparky), a loving wife, mother, coach, and early childhood educator.
2021 – $3,125 to 3 children who lost a parent to cancer for their college fund.
2023 – $6,025 6 Families Served -1 family vacation contribution, 2 college tuition contributions, 1 child’s bike purchase, 1 child care tuition contribution, 1 child’s school clothing.
2024 – $552 child care for 1 family, $2,000 scholarship for 2 children who lost their mother, $225 Summer Camp for 1 child.