GVH Strategic Plan for Women’s Services and Breast Care

Strategic Plan Women’s Services and Breast Care at GVH 2015-18

 VISION:         To become the best small/rural hospital in the United States for Women’s Service and Breast Cancer Care.

MISSION:      To provide innovative, best practices healthcare at Gunnison Valley Health utilizing state of the art equipment and technology; highly skilled staff; and incorporating all departments that can affect outcomes and improve the patient experience.

  • Goal#1 To identify and provide a comprehensive continuum of care for cancer patients with patient navigation provided by Gunnison Valley Health.
  • Goal #2  To collaborate with Tough Enough to Wear Pink to drive and accomplish the vision and mission.
  • Goal #3 To continually respond to community needs, thus better serving our local population and increasing volumes.
  • Goal #4  To become the HealthCare system of choice for second homeowners and visitors because of the level of care and location to retreat and recover.
  • Goal #5  Provide the highest quality healthcare to all patients and specifically breast cancer patients, from diagnosis to recovery.
  • Goal #6  Provide educational opportunities to the community about Women’s health care, breast cancer and preventative Healthcare.
  • Goal #7  Develop and implement an annual marketing plan to promote “Tough Enough to Wear Pink Breast Care Services,” at GVH.

Gunnison Valley Health has and is committed to developing women’s care services and breast cancer services.  This plan includes goals for equipment, staffing and services from 2015-2018.

 Objective #1 – Form a Breast Cancer Program Steering Committee at GVH to direct equipment purchases, staffing and programming, to insure consistency with the vision, mission and goals.

  • The GVH Steering Committee will be multi-disciplinary to include Administration, Nursing, Oncology, Imaging, Rehabilitation and Surgery.
  • The Committee will meet monthly to monitor the progress of the Strategic Plan and make appropriate adjustments.

Pricing:   None

Timing:   March 2015

Objective #2– Provide genetic counseling services for breast cancer patients.

  • GVH will develop a program with a genetic counselor to offer services to patients once a patient has been identified by the physician.

Pricing:   None

Timing:   February 2015

Objective #3 -Improve mammography reporting and scheduling with the purchase of “Volpara” software.

  • Obtain Volpara (icad) program. *see attached
  • Develop marketing program around ultrasound and Volpara, to increase screening volumes, to local community and neighboring areas.
  • Will give an objective breast density measurement.
  • Install system and meet all Federal and State compliance reporting requirements consistent with Mammography Quality and Standards Act (MQSA) certification.

Pricing:  $31,950.00

Timing:  End of First Quarter 2015

Objective #4Obtain vacuum assisted device/stereo equipment to allow us to perform ultrasound guided biopsies and stereotactic biopsies at Gunnison Valley Health and prevent patients having to travel to other healthcare center for these services.

  • Obtain both devices. *see attached
  • Develop marketing program to local community and neighboring areas regarding capabilities of this.

Pricing:  Vacuum – $28,475.00           Stereotactic – $145,113.00

Timing:  End of First Quarter 2015

Objective #5 – Obtain necessary equipment to perform sentinel node biopsies (hot lab).

  • Obtain both necessary probe and hot lab equipment. *see attached
  • Set up hot lab to meet Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) requirements and work with Nuclear Medicine Department at Montrose to achieve this objective and oversee licensure.
  • Market sentinel node as part of Breast Services Program.

Pricing:   Probe – $15-20,000.00         Hot Lab – $30,000.00

Timing:   Fourth Quarter 2015

Objective #6 – Establish a Tumor Board to collaborate on diagnosis and best treatment for cancer and breast cancer patients.

  • Involve Montrose, St. Mary’s and University of Colorado on the Board.
  • Involves GVH staff from Hematology, Oncology, Nursing, Surgery and Imaging.

Pricing:  TBD

Timing:   First Quarter 2016

Objective #7 – Establish a method to provide diagnostic services for patients with dense breasts.  

  • Evaluate best options for imaging modalities to include: stand alone ultrasound; upgrade robotic arm attachment to current ultrasound; MRI and additional breast coil (addition to current equipment).

Pricing:   TBD

Timing:   2015

Objective #8 -Secure support for and obtain STAR Program Certification, an evidenced-based education and training program to develop superior oncology rehabilitation services at GVH.

  • Requires certification of and collaboration among Oncology, Rehabilitation, Nursing, Physicians and Administration
  • Establishes a patient baseline upon diagnosis
  • Rehabilitation begins upon diagnosis and continues post treatment thereby increasing recovery and improving long term outcomes

Pricing:    $20,000/yr for a 3 yr commitment

Timing:    End of 2015

Objective #9 – Establish an integrated therapy program at GVH for inpatient, outpatient and residential patients (Assisted Living and Senior Care Center).

  • Collaborate with the “Wellness Connection” and other local providers in the Gunnison Valley to provide alternative, integrated therapies to patients upon the recommendation or approval of physicians and caregivers.
  • Establish policies for patient care, licensure and certification, and comply with joint commission and human resources requirements.
  • All providers will be vetted.
  • GVH will have a physician gatekeeper who will evaluate the patient needs and refer to appropriate adjunct service.
  • GVH will provide a referral card in patient packets for approved providers and services, for private pay patients upon physician approval and for patient upon discharge.
  • The GVH Foundation will work to support those services offered by the hospital as a courtesy.

Pricing:   TBD (in progress)

Timing:   End of fourth quarter 2015.

Objective #10 – Obtain American College of Surgeons Commission on Cancer (COC) Accreditation.

  • GVH will apply for the Accreditation under the category Hospital Associate Cancer Program (HACP).
  • GVH Oncology Nurse will lead the team to meet all requirements for successful accreditation.

Pricing:   TBD

Timing:   2017

Objective #11 – Explore potential for GVH to host clinical trials for dense breast/whole breast and 3 min MRI protocol in collaboration with Sally Jobe.

  • Timothy will continue to explore this opportunity with Sally Jobe.
  • Will require purchasing MRI breast coil (cost unknown at this time).
  • Will attract new patients and increase patient volumes from local and neighboring communities.
  • Would provide national recognition for TETWP and GVH.

Pricing:    TBD

Timing:    2016

Objective #12 – Work with Dr. Timothy, as lead, and other local providers to offer educational opportunities to the community around Women’s Care, Breast Cancer, and preventative healthcare.

Pricing:   TBD

Timing:  Summer 2015

Objective #13 – Develop an annual marketing plan around the “Tough Enough to Wear Pink Breast Care Services.”  The overarching goal of the plan should be for the community to understand that TETWP is the partner in women’s care services at GVH (TETWPWCS).

  • Signage in imaging department to signify “Tough Enough to Wear Pink Breast Care Services.”
  • Rack card in imaging to explain the relationship and donations.
  • Representation at the GVHF annual Golf Tournament (e.g. tee prizes from TETWP/logo)
  • Pink scrubs or lab jackets worn by imaging staff with TETWP logo
  • Screening reminders at Mother’s Day and Breast Cancer awareness month with TETWP WCS logo)
  • 3/15 press coverage of both GVHF and TETWP summer events/announcing TETWP WCS
  • TETWP and TETWPWCS will be featured on the GVHF website
  • Plan and modifications made annually

Pricing:   TBD/annually

Timing:   March 2015/ongoing